What Entrust certificate distrust means for developers

Public key infrastructure (PKI) — first introduced by Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman in an IEEE paper in 1976 — has secured web communications like clockwork for decades. For every site visit, PKI brokers trust between web browsers and websites, proving the...

Python has overtaken JavaScript on GitHub

Python has overtaken JavaScript as the most popular language on GitHub, while the use of Jupyter Notebooks also has skyrocketed on the site. The rise of both underscore the surge in data science, artificial intelligence, and machine learning on the code-sharing...

Developers don’t belong on an assembly line

As we all learned in history class in high school, the Industrial Revolution gave birth to machine-driven manufacturing processes that greatly increased production, lowered the costs of manufactured goods, and raised everyone’s standard of living. It even changed how...

JetBrains updates Kotlin roadmap

JetBrains has updated its Kotlin language roadmap, with key priorities that include more efficient data handling, increased abstraction, and enhanced performance. The company also promised faster code completion, highlighting, and search, along with more stable code...

GitHub Copilot expands AI model support

GitHub is bringing multi-model support to GitHub Copilot, its AI-powered coding assistant, enabling developers to select from multiple generative AI models including Google Gemini 1.5 Pro, OpenAI GPT-4o, OpenAI o1-preview, OpenAI o1-mini, and Anthropic Claude 3.5...