Chicago flunks cloud economics

The city of Chicago has devised a brilliant plan to jack up its cloud computing tax from 9% to 11%. As someone who has worked in tech for decades, I’ve seen this movie before, and (spoiler alert) it didn’t have a happy ending. This is not a diatribe against taxes;...

The Python AI library hack that didn’t hack Python

Guess what’s both one of the fastest-growing and most popular languages of 2024? (Hint: It’s not Java.) Also in Python this month: A clever hack of a popular Python AI library offers some hard security lessons, a new Python package management tool accelerates your...

Java Applet API heads for the exit

Java would finally shed its Java Applet API under an OpenJDK proposal created December 4. The JDK Enhancement Proposal notes that the API not only has been deprecated for removal for some time but is obsolete, because neither the current Java Development Kit (JDK) nor...